What is the V2 Beauty Booster?
The V2 Beauty Booster micro-needles the skin at a very high intensity. It applies vacuum pressure to the skin and inserts the micro-needles 1.0mm into the dermis (0.8mm for the under-eye area). The V2 Beauty Booster is a full facial treatment; the micro-needling channels will form new collagen formation over the course of 6 – 8 weeks.
Many clients come to see us from all over the world, and one of the main questions they ask us is “how can I slow down ageing?” Ageing is inevitable, but there are some things you can do to slow this process down to look and feel your best.

Benefits of The V2 Beauty Booster
Revolutionizing the Way You Treat Your Skin
At Sharma Skin & Hair Surgery, maintaining natural beauty is at the top of our list. Our clinic provides a series of procedures and treatments to help men and women throughout Edmonton and area maintain their familiar youthful features far longer than the harsh sun and cold of Alberta would regularly allow. We have a passion for focusing on Skin Rejuvenation and Skin Hydration which allow our bodies natural oils to work their magic.
With the innovative technology of the V2 Beauty Booster from Clarion® Medical Technologies, we are able to deliver these results and more. V2 allows for re-densification and prevention of the signs of ageing, with a mix of highly concentrated hyaluronic acid and a custom blend of essential nutrients. As one of our recent patients described her results: “it looks like I just got back from vacation!” The V2 Beauty Boost leaves you with an all-over radiance and glow that reflects the look of someone returning from 2 weeks at an all-inclusive resort. Sharma Skin & Hair Surgery, located at 16923 127th NW, on the north side of Edmonton, should be your first consideration for the V2 Beauty Booster treatment.
We have a 100% satisfaction rate for the V2 procedure and Doctor Anil Sharma himself receives the treatment monthly.
Hydrate, thicken, & minimize fine lines.
Dr. Sharma’s personal favourite skin booster is the V2. It is the perfect treatment to address dry and rough skin while tackling those fine lines and wrinkles. The V2 Beauty Boost is a full facial treatment with no real downtime. At The Sharma Clinic, we use Redensity 1 with every treatment. When injected it gives the skin smoothness and glows similar to the one you receive from a week-long vacation.
What does the treatment plan look like?
After an hour of numbing with topical anaesthetic, the treatment takes roughly 45 minutes. The microinjections are not painful due to the numbing cream and you are left with tiny red bumps for the first 24-48 hours post-treatment. We suggest most patients receive 3 full sessions spread out 4-6 weeks apart.
What can I expect after a session?
Within a week, you will notice more vibrant, and smoother skin. The fine lines found around the mouth, undereye, and cheek area will be minimized and become less visible.
Benefits of The V2 Beauty Booster
Take your Skincare to the next level
Skincare is a marathon, but sometimes it’s nice to take a shortcut. Get weeks of skincare in a single treatment. When used a few times a year this quick procedure helps to maintain that ‘just got back from vacation glow’.

Dr. Sharma’s V2 Treatment
Even the doctors at our clinic get a day off and when this particular one does he loves to have his favourite maintenance procedure, the V2 Beauty Booster with Redensity® 1 filler from Teoxane®. Anti-ageing is about prevention and trying to bank as much collagen production within every session.
Our beautiful nurse Sara performed the Fotona skin tightening treatment which helps generate endogenous levels of collagen followed by a 10 Micron laser peel which helped with his hyperpigmentation. Finally, micro needling was performed alongside the V2 Beauty Booster.
The Importance of Hydrating Your Skin
V2 Beauty Booster treatments will stimulate your own production of collagen and slow down the appearance of ageing. This is accomplished by injection of Teoxane® Redensity 1. This is a ‘cocktail’ of hyaluronic acid and is not cross-linked, meaning it will not add any volume to your face. It is, however, going to provide fantastic hydration, which is important for younger-looking skin.
As we age, our skin becomes sunken, flatter, and more drier. Redensity 1 comes in a 3cc vial and contains all of the antioxidants and vitamins that are integral for skin homeostasis. Whilst the V2 is micro-needling you, it is also injecting small micro-allocates globally from the forehead, including the under-eye, down to the jawline.

Dr. Sharma Explains How the V2 Beauty Booster Works
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Dr. Sharma’s V2 Beauty Treatment

We only offer treatments that we enjoy ourselves. A great statistic to remember is that a single molecule of Hyaluronic acid holds 1,000 times its…
V2 Beauty Booster FAQ
We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common questions asked during our initial consultation
You can use this for the neck, hands, and virtually any part of the body which you feel is ageing, looking looser, or that you would like to get a bit of a boost.
Other than some redness and a small injection mark, there is no down-time. These will heal almost completely overnight and you will be good to go to work the very next day. In rare cases, there can be slight bruising in the under-eye area.
The best part is that it is natural. You don’t have to change the architecture of your face or add any volume. It’s anti-ageing, preventative, and great for the skin. Sharma Skin & Hair Surgery in Edmonton offers free consultations with same-day procedures for the V2 Beauty Booster treatment. Visit our clinic and let us bring out the best in your skin.
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Talk to a V2 Beauty Boost Expert in Edmonton, Alberta
If you are considering options for your V2 Beauty Boost, our experienced team is just a phone call away. We provide the V2 Beauty Boost for Edmonton residents, as well as those choosing our Edmonton clinic as their V2 Beauty Boost destination.